Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rocky Raccoon

The White Album is a classic. The Beatles are a phenomenal band with an extraordinary reputation. Most of their songs are written in lyrical form, but one song always stuck out as being kind of an "outcast", was the narrative Rocky Raccoon. The song has a variety of poetic devices used such as repetition, irony, paradox, and synecdoche. Rocky Raccoon is a ballad about a heart-broken fella who's "woman ran off with another guy". This "hit young rocky in the eye;" referring to the emotional impact this had on poor Rocky, this as an example of a synecdoche. There is also a repetition in reference to "Gideon's bible"; the book seems to have a demeaning affect on Rocky, as he finds it when he "checks into his room" before he's about to "shoot off the legs of his rival", and after "he falls back in his room," unable to overcome "Dan." Although there is debate if Gideon's bible is symbolism to the infamous John Lennon statement, "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ." Never the less, Rocky being crippled from his attempts in overcoming his rival, a "doctor [comes] in stinking of gin;" this is an example of paradox and irony because it's quite contradicting to have an inebriated doctor making decisions on his health. The song has many more poetic devices rooted into it, and now Rocky's failed attempts swell and protrude similar to the song itself in the White Album. Tomorrow may rain poor Rocky, so you best be following the sun.

Now somewhere in the black mining hills of Dakota
There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon
And one day his woman ran off with another guy
Hit young Rocky in the eye Rocky didn't like that
He said I'm gonna get that boy
So one day he walked into town
Booked himself a room in the local saloon.

Rocky Raccoon checked into his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Rocky had come equipped with a gun
To shoot off the legs of his rival
His rival it seems had broken his dreams
By stealing the girl of his fancy.
Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
But everyone knew her as Nancy.
Now she and her man who called himself Dan
Were in the next room at the hoedown
Rocky burst in and grinning a grin
He said Danny boy this is a showdown
But Daniel was hot-he drew first and shot
And Rocky collapsed in the corner.

The doctor came in stinking of gin
And proceeded to lie on the table
He said Rocky you met your match
And Rocky said, Doc it's only a scratch
And I'll be better I'll be better doc as soon as I am able.

Now Rocky Raccoon he fell back in his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
To help with good Rocky's revival.

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Concerned Parent

123 Main Street

Penticton, British Columbia,

V2A 3W1

June 1, 2011

Mr. Kleats

Physical Education Teacher

120 Geen Avenue,

Penticton, British Columbia

V2A 3W1

Dear Mr. Kleats

My name is Al Caholic, and I am a concerned parent of one of an athlete on your basketball team, Myal. Myal has raised a few things to my attention that I feel should be addressed. I understand that the time commitment in being a coach is very significant, and time can be an issue. Stress levels can be raised immensely, especially when so much is expected of you. When things aren't going as planned, it's essential to make sure you maintain your composure; the kids look up to you, and I they learn from example. If there is one thing that I have learned from being a psychiatrist, it's that "if you want a message to get across to someone, do so tranquilly." You'll be amazed with the response you get.

Being a public school, the kids don't expect to win every game they play. They're there to have fun and to learn the sport; so please don't feel pressured to play the more adept children to raise likelihood of victory. I understand that there are a few kids, including my son, who aren't the most tenacious or sure-footed on the team. They aren't receiving an adequate amount of attention in order to progress to, one day, university level ball. Perhaps if you had an assistant coach to help you to structure a more rooted practice, the kids would feel more confident in games. If it is possible, I would like you to reconsider the playing time to each child though. It can be arduous to keep everyone happy on the team, but if you could attempt to make an effort, it would be appreciated by many.

I've always taught my son to practice punctuality, as a form of both respect, and responsibility. Please respect the children Mr. Kleats; I understand you're very busy, but maybe if you were to consider having an assistant coach, this issue would be dissolved. I would like to offer my time in being the assistant coach if there is no one able to fulfil the position. I have fairly fit arms and shoulders, so I'm sure i could toss a ball around for the kids and organize some drills before you arrive. This way, if you need to talk about something with a kid specifically, you can take them aside and discuss it privately, while I continue instructing the drills. I hope to hear from you soon.



Al Caholic.