Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Glimmer of Hope

"You're ganna be gettin' outta here pretty soon, hey?" Andy stated while leaning on the prison walls as Red approached him.
"Yeah, well I still have a few years to serve, but I guess you could say that." Red sits down beside Andy and looks off in the distance.
"Have you ever worried how you will manage to get by once you're released?"
"Of course I have, you'd be an idiot not to." Red looks over at Andy puzzled. "Why would you be asking me something like that?" Knowing there was an implication to the question.
"Well hypothetically speaking, if I was to get out of here before you.." Andy hesitated and was pondering a thought.
Red anxiously exclaims, "Well go on! What are you getting at?"
"Do you know that old country side road down by the windmill?"
"Yeah! I'm familiar with it actually."
"Good, well; if I was to get out of here before you. I want you to go down that road and turn left right after that windmill and follow the fence line through the fields."
"Okay, any reason for this"
Andy continues and ignores the question, "There's a big old oak tree that streches right over that fence line. I want you to go to that tree. Can you do that for me?"
"Well sure, but I don't see how this could.."
Lost in his thoughts Andy interupts, "Good, I want you to go to the fence lined up with the tree, you'll see a rock there. It doesn't look like any rock you've seen before. It's volcanic." Red's anxiety was increasing immensely as Andy continued, "There will be a box underneath that rock for you. I want you to do that for me. Can you promise me that?"
"I can do that." Red doesn't ask any further questions knowing that if Andy wanted him to know anything further about it, he would of stated so. The two men sit there silently pondering their own thoughts looking off into the courtyard. Each of them with a slight smirk on their faces, knowing that the light is truly brighter at the other end of the tunnel.